Friday, October 18, 2013

Reaching New Audiences

When searching for new diversity and multicultural materials and resources, it is easy to become overwhelmed with the options.  How do you know what is tested and reliable?  Who else has used the materials?  What is new and in touch with current issues and trends?  Are the recommendations trustworthy?

One resource beyond what is offered here on our eXtension site is the Multicultural Pavilion.  The site spans issues of diversity, multicultural education, social justice, and is especially designed for educators.  While at first glance, it may appear to be focused on what is going on in schools, the resources and activities can be easily adapted for out-of-school programs and even adults.
Multicultural Forum provides an array of training tools, publications, printable handouts, and even links to music and videos that address diversity topics.   In its Research Room, you can find “original articles and essays on progressive, transformative, multicultural, social justice, and liberatory teaching and learning by educators around the world.” 
We would like to hear from you, too.  What sites have you found helpful to you in your work?  What are your recommendations to others who are seeking new sources of guidance and inspiration?  Post your responses here and share your experiences with other sites and resources.  Let’s work together to prepare ourselves for reaching and engaging new audiences in our Cooperative Extension Service.

Gae Broadwater, State Specialist         
Program & Staff Development         

Kentucky State University                      

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